
Lou Reed nie żyje
dodane 27.10.2013 18:47:11 przez: Rafał
wyświetleń: 4527
Dziś zmarł Lou Reed, miał 71 lat. Nie są jeszcze znane bezpośrednie przyczyny śmierci, w maju miał on jednak przeprowadzony przeszczep wątroby.


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01.11.2013 12:56:00
O  IP:
Już taki ze mnie malkontent. Właśnie skończyłem czytać książkę o Kiedysie z RHCP. Ten po śmierci kolegi z zespołu po prostu zanegował ten fakt i nie poszedł nawet na pogrzeb. Cóż - ocenianie po pozorach - oj, nie tędy droga.
01.11.2013 10:24:02
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KeKe , jak widzisz, zamiast pisac na stronie Lars napisł esej do gazety
30.10.2013 18:09:46
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oto wypowiedz Larsa, miałbyć ochotę przetłumacyzć by mozna było wrzucic z tłumaczeniem?

We had communicated about a month ago when we were going to come by New York to play the Apollo, and Lou was going to come to the show and hang out. He didn't make it because his health took a turn for the worse, so I knew things were not good, but I didn't know it was that serious. So I was half shocked and half crushed – shocked that he went so quickly and crushed over the loss.

Most people in the rock'n'roll world know about Lou Reed and his reputation. I had met him briefly, socially, about a decade ago, where he was very cordial. Four years ago, when we were doing the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame concerts, we had invited Lou to come play with us because we were one of the hosts for one of the segments. We were aware of his reputation for being unfiltered and upfront, and that he just says what he's thinking; he can be a bit standoffish, we were told. We were in a rehearsal room in midtown Manhattan – he walked in and was quite standoffish, quite short, quite like you would expect him. We started setting up, and waltzing around a few musical things, and he was complaining about how loud we were and that we were playing everything wrong. Every single thing we were doing was wrong. It wasn't limited to our entire approach to music, our existence was wrong. From the day we were born, our existence was wrong. Obviously I'm exaggerating for effect here …

But within an hour or so, me and him had a little chat, and I think I comforted him in the fact that nothing bad was going to happen. It dawned on me when I was talking to someone else about Lou, that a lot of people from his generation, they've just been so mistreated over the years by people who have taken advantage of them, both inside and outside the business – a lot of people his age are guarded. So when a bunch of musicians in their 40s welcome him with open arms and invite him to come in and jam, he's just suspicious that something's going to happen. I understand that and I'm not faulting him for that.

Things did thaw, me and him had a pow-wow in a corner, and it went very fast and became pretty cool. We realised we had so much in common. There was this trust. But he was a very guarded, mistrusting person, and spending the subsequent couple of years with him and being around everything from interviews to playing gigs I could just see that whenever there were new people who came on his radar that he would have to size them up first before he let himself be opened up. I've met half a dozen other artists from his generation, and if you talk to them for long enough they'll tell you stories about getting fucked over, by the man, the system, the business, bad deals, each other, whatever.

We were both outsiders, we both never felt comfortable going down the same path that everyone else was doing. Metallica's always been autonomous, and Lou Reed is the godfather of being an outsider, being autonomous, marching to his own drum, making every project different from the previous one and never feeling like he had a responsibility to anybody other than himself. We shared kinship over that. And we brought him something that he didn't have, or maybe hadn't experienced so much, which in his own words were 'energy' and "weight" and "size" and whatever it is that happens when we start playing. He was so into what we brought him. And, of course, he brought us this incredible piece of work that he had already written, Lulu, and about her escapades and sexual endeavours. We brought something to each other, and we shared a common lack of ability to fit in with our surroundings.

Jann Wenner threw a celebration of the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame, and U2 and Springsteen were there hosting little segments, and they asked us to host a segment, so we asked him to play with us. And that worked out very well, and I think he felt so comfortable with us. As we were leaving Madison Square Garden, he looked at me as we walked out into the car park in the bowels of Madison Square Garden and we ended up making the record a year-and-a-half after Madison Square Garden. But the Lulu escapades and everything that became our record was stuff he's had swirling in his mind for probably decades: the story of this character and the relationship with all the different men in her life.

I played the record for my kids yesterday in the car, and it sounded as relevant and more intense than ever; it sounded incredibly potent, very alive and impulsive. He brought this incredible lyrical story. I'm not so into who's "best" or "No 1", but he was the most accomplished poet within the world of rock'n'roll over the last four decades. He brought this story he had spent a lot of time with, but on the counter side of that he brought an incredibly impulsive energy into the studio where he asked us to come up with stuff on the spot.

Nothing was thought about, nothing was laboured over, nothing was dissected or analysed. We just started playing, Lou started half-reciting, half-singing these beautiful poems, and off we went and this record came out. It taught me a different approach in the studio, of just doing it rather than thinking about it. We did the whole record in three weeks; three weeks in on a normal Metallica record we haven't even decided what corner of the studio we're going to set the drums in. The whole thing was very impulsive, and there wasn't a lot of analytical thought that went into it.

The hard rock community, they can be pretty harsh, so I'm pretty thick-skinned. And so when the hard rock community turned its back on the record I wasn't surprised. A lot of people were saying, "oh, Lou Reed doesn't sing". Yeah, no shit. What do you think he's been doing for the last 40 years? Did you expect him to sound like Robert Plant? That's not what he does. In the hard rock community I was not particularly surprised. But I was surprised that some more intellectual writers were pretty harsh to it.

But two years later, a lot of people have come around. Howard Stern did a whole episode about how wrong he was about Lulu, and how Junior Dad is his favourite song of last year even though it came out two years ago. Twenty-five years from now, you're going to have millions of people claiming they owned the record or loved it when it came out, of course neither will be true. I think it's going to age well – when I played it yesterday it sounded fucking awesome. In some ways it's almost cooler that people didn't embrace it, because it makes it more ours, it's our project, our record, and this was never made for the masses and the masses didn't take to it. It makes it more precious for those who were involved.

I'll always remember his fragility. I felt in some way that I connected to his fragility, and identified with it. He was very open, he would say, "Lars, I love you", and text me a heart. It was so beautiful. The way he was so unfiltered is what I will remember most, and his fragility, and how I've never met anybody who, no matter what he was saying, he was always speaking his truth. It never felt cerebral, it always felt like it came from some other place somewhere. When people talk, it comes from their brain; I don't know where his words came from, but they came from somewhere else. Emotional, physical, everything – it really resonated with me. I wanted to give him strength, and I think Metallica gave him strength. His being was so beautiful once that guard went away, and it was childlike.
30.10.2013 16:03:50
O  IP:
Ok być może. Ale gdy zmarl M.Kamen - byl wpis na stronie. Tak samo gdy niedawno umarl inżynier dźwięku z którym kiedyś pracowali. Moje zdanie jest takie ze jest to nieladne zachowanie. Nie chodzi mi o jakieś szczególne uzewnetrznianie emocji z ich strony tylko o krótką notkę. Jej brak po opowieściach jak to plakali nagrywając Junior dad po prostu mnie dziwi.
30.10.2013 14:38:14
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a skad wiesz co dokladnie zrobili i jak sie zachowali? nie robia czegos przez strone nie znaczy, ze nie sa zainteresowani tym co sie stało, byc moze nie maja ochoty uzewnętrznianaia swoich uczuc w tym momencie i w twitterowski sposob? poczekamy zobaczymy
30.10.2013 10:45:37
O  IP:
a na stronie Metallica nic na ten temat. brzydko się chłopaki zachowali
Kaczka from Gdynia
29.10.2013 14:28:31
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Szkoda człowieka. A że Lou niedomagał na Lulu, no cóż - ciekaw jestem jakie my bedziemy mieli głosy w wieku 69 lat;) I James... Chciałbym dożyć tak sędziwego wieku i jako artysta grać prawie do końca swoich dni. RIP Lou Reed

28.10.2013 22:00:23
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W zasadzie to info o śmierci Reeda miałem na dobranoc, a na pobudkę o śmierci Tadeusza Mazowieckiego.
28.10.2013 20:04:59
O  IP:
RIP. może się nie znam, ale mi jak lulu się nie podobało tak nie podoba.
aczkolwiek muzyka szanuję.
28.10.2013 12:25:48
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Coś czuję, że sprzedaż LULU poszybuje
28.10.2013 01:01:45
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Kilkanascie godzin minelo a na stronie mety cisza i dzwiek chrabaszczy. Nie uwazacie za co najmniej dziwne?
28.10.2013 00:31:31
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David Bowie powiedział o nim: “He was a master.”
28.10.2013 00:20:20
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Ja go kojarzę jako gościa, który mamrocze coś do mikrofonu przy zmarnowanych metallikowych riffach. Na każdego przyjdzie pora...
28.10.2013 00:05:37
O  IP:
Wielki szacunek Lou za swój wkład w rozwój muzyki! Dla mnie zawsze będziesz kimś godnym zapamiętania, taki człowiek jak Ty - z pasją, pomysłem i oryginalnością w tworzeniu muzyki to Skarb!
PS: John Cleese mógł żartować na pogrzebie kolegi nie gorsząc przy tym reszty, to ja również chciałbym wprowadzić troszke luzu tutaj.
Mianowicie jakieś 90% overkillowców może teraz odetchnąc z ulgą - marzenia Larsa o Lulu 2 definitywnie upadły, zabieramy się za autorską płytę Mety! Hell Yeah!
Sejnt Endżer
27.10.2013 23:56:13
O  IP:
Teraz już można sobie darować wszelkie żarty o Lulu 2...
27.10.2013 23:30:50
O  IP:
Szkoda człowieka, trudny charakter, trudna muzyka, ale stworzył kawał historii rocka
27.10.2013 23:13:13
O  IP:
Venus in Furs, Heroin, Run, Run, Run, to były numery... Specyficzny, nieprzeciętny Lou.
27.10.2013 22:50:43
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Może Meta na Antarktydzie zagra w hołdzie np Iced Honey
27.10.2013 22:48:14
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27.10.2013 22:48:00
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I am the table!
27.10.2013 22:45:20
O  IP:
Dla odreagowania powiem że: Mozart? Nie żyje. Beethoven? Nie żyje. Hendrix? Nie żyje. Lou Reed? Nie żyje. A i ja się niezbyt dobrze ostatnio czuję... :)
27.10.2013 22:22:51
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takie info po weekendzie bez netu dobija... szkoda, 71 lat to powinna być wiosna starosci dopiero..
27.10.2013 22:02:08
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27.10.2013 21:47:12
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Cholerna wątroba :(
Papcio Chmiel
27.10.2013 21:41:58
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Dragon jest super, Junior Dad też no i oczywiście rzeczy nie związane z Metalliką takie jak wspomniany na przykład Perfect Day, ale też Venus In Furs który to utwór został świetnie scoverovany przez Monster Magnet. Lou Reed nie należy do muzyków którzy mieszczą się w moim zakresie gustów muzycznych, no może poza małymi wyżej wymienionymi wyjątkami, ale respekt i dzięki za Venus In Furs Lou
27.10.2013 21:36:30
O  IP:
Co za wiadomość.... NIC, absolutnie NIC nie wskazywało, że to szybko nastąpi, gość wyglądał porządnie... I też wiek nie był zaawansowany w sumie...


PS. Zgadzam się z leaf. Od pierwszego przesłuchania Lulu "Dragon" zrobił na mnie ogromne wrażenie.
27.10.2013 21:28:15
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jeśli spojrzeć na takiego "Dragona" nie jak na typową piosenkę ale jak na recytację poetycką z muzyką w tle to jest to świetny utwór
motyw muzyczny jest piękny a i poezja LR się broni
27.10.2013 21:25:24
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no to kurwa dupa :(
27.10.2013 21:19:14
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[*] teraz żałuję, że wyzywałem Lulu ...
27.10.2013 21:18:00
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Dzięki za LULU! Trudna płyta, ale dobry kawałek muzyki.
27.10.2013 21:07:12
O  IP:
nie bede tu pisał że LULU było dobrą płytą bo w mojej ocenie nie było i nie będzie. Nie słuchałem tez Lou Reeda i pewnie nie zaczne. Ale szkoda człowieka i szacunek za to co robił przez lata i ze trwał w muzyce którą zapewne kochał. Każda smierć jest straszna dla rodziny i przyjaciół, w tym przypadku również dla fanów. Współczuje. R.I.P Lou
27.10.2013 20:59:53
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R.I.P. Mr Reed
orion 72
27.10.2013 20:34:28
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Spoczywaj w pokoju wiecznym[']...Dzięki za Dragona!
27.10.2013 20:20:56
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Nie przepadam za lulu i przepadal nie bede ale ciesze sie ze spelnil przed smiercia swoje muzyczne mrzenie u boku Mety i odszedl z tego swiata bedac do konca aktywnym muzykiem.
27.10.2013 20:19:53
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Teraz się zacznie gloryfikowanie LULU "genialna płyta", "przebłysk geniuszu", itp itp
27.10.2013 20:13:38
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Cóż, w pewnym sensie Lulu było zwiastunem jego śmierci..
A jak na heroinistę, i alkoholika to pozazdrościć 71 lat, naprawdę. SWS (polski odpowiednik RIP)
27.10.2013 20:10:03
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Październik kończy się naprawdę źle :( Najpierw mój ukochany pies, teraz Lou...
27.10.2013 20:03:03
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Just a perfect day
Drink Sangria in the park
And then later
When it gets dark... we go home

Just a perfect day
You made me forget myself
I thought I was
Someone else, someone good

You're going to reap just what you sow

RIP Lou...
27.10.2013 19:51:33
O  IP:
Dziękuję za Lulu. Genialna płyta od genialnego artysty.
27.10.2013 19:49:59
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Spoczywaj w pokoju Lou !!!!
27.10.2013 19:47:03
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"Dla mnie lulu było dobre przed jego śmiercią. "
Wystarczy spojrzeć na twój nick.
27.10.2013 19:39:46
O  IP:
I teraz będzie fałszywe mówienie, jak to Lulu było zarąbistą, kopiącą dupę płytą. Dla mnie lulu było dobre przed jego śmiercią. Spoczywaj w pokoju Lou!
27.10.2013 19:34:40
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Nadal nie rozumiem jego fenomenu, ale mimo wszystko szacunek za te wszystkie płyty jakie wydał przez 40 lat oraz jako pewnego rodzaju ikony dla tego gatunku ;)
27.10.2013 19:30:28
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Spoczywaj w pokoju panie REED. Na pewno dużo ludzi na świeci będzie Cię dobrze wspominać.
27.10.2013 19:29:20
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Lou byłeś wielki! Dzięki za "Lulu"!
27.10.2013 19:24:41
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Kurwa nie
27.10.2013 19:22:19
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Jestem w szoku, wychowałem się na Velvet
Underground, smutny wieczór...
27.10.2013 19:16:53
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Szok... Szkoda człowieka...
27.10.2013 19:11:31
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27.10.2013 19:11:04
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